Ordering Lesson Pages (With BU Navigation)

The BULB Lesson Page custom post type uses a hierarchical alignment. This means  that users can set the order of lesson pages. These instructions are specifically targeted towards users at Boston University who have the BU Navigation plugin installed and enabled. BU Navigation is already enabled on www.bu.edu, www.bumc.bu.edu, and sites.bu.edu domains. 

The BU Navigation Plugin replaces the typical Parent/Child Page Attributes designations with an easy-to-use drag and drop interface. When editing your BULB Lesson Page, in the right-hand sidebar look for “Placement in Navigation” under Document settings. 

This image shows the “Placement in Navigation” tab in the right-hand sidebar while creating a BULB Lesson Page. Clicking “Move lesson page” will open a pop-up window in browser where you can order your BULB Lesson Pages.

Here you can specify a label for your page and choose visibility settings (whether or not it will appear in the site navigation). You can also click the “Move lesson page” button to open a pop-up window where you have greater control over the navigation order and the designation of parent and child pages. You will also need to check “Display in Navigation” for your BULB lesson page to appear in the sidebar navigation.

This figure shows the drag and drop interface for setting the order of BULB Lesson Pages using the BU Navigation plugin.

In this interface you can drag and drop all pages in a lesson in the order you desire. In this next figure, for example, we have moved “Test Page” into the “BULB User Guide” navigation between “Table of Contents” and “Installation, Activation, and Deletion.”

Pages can be dragged and dropped within an existing hierarchy. Or users can create a new one by defining top level pages (such as “BULB User Guide” in this image) and nesting other BULB pages within it.

Users need to make sure to drag their page in between the two pages they want to appear before and after it. If you drag a page onto another page, you will designate your page as a child page. For example, in this next figure, we dragged the “Test Page” on top of “Table of Contents,” making it a child page of “Table of Contents” instead of a page between “Table of Contents” and “Installation, Activation, and Deletion.” 

Pages can be nested within other child pages; however, BULB currently only supports top-level parent and first child pages.

For BULB Lessons, it is often recommended to keep all BULB Lesson Pages at the same level in the navigation instead of nesting too many child pages within the navigation. This way you have fine-grained control over the specific sequence of pages users access. Please note, although WordPress allows multiple hierarchy levels, this version of BULB only utilizes two levels, the Parent and 1st Child. In the above example, “BULB User Guide” would be the Parent Page (and first page of the lesson) and each subsequent page from “Table of Contents” to “True/False Block” have been designated as 1st Child Pages. Therefore, in the above figure, “Test Page” would not appear in the BULB navigation. Instead, try to format your BULB Pages like this: 

Example of how to properly format your BULB lesson pages within the BU Navigation plugin as a single parent page with any number of nested first child pages.

When you are finished ordering your pages, but sure to click “Update Location” in the Navigation pop-up. This will take you back to the page editor. Click “Update” to save changes to your current BU Lesson Page.